ENT Department
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Amzad Hossain
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (ENT & HEAD-NECK SURGERY) Higher Training on Ear Microsurgery & Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Hyderabad India) Professor & Unit Head
National Institute of Ear, Nose & Throat (NIENT) & Hospital
National Institute of Ear, Nose & Throat (NIENT) & Hospital
Dr. Mahmudur Rahman
MBBS, MPH (Nutrition), DLO, MS (ENT) Assistant Professor
Ashyian Medical College & Hospital Dhaka
Ashyian Medical College & Hospital Dhaka
Asst. Prof. Dr. Wakil ur Rahman Shakil
MBBS, FCPS (ENT) Asst. Professor
National Center for Hearing and Speech for Children (SAHIC)
National Center for Hearing and Speech for Children (SAHIC)