Health Package

AMZHospital Health Package Whole Body Check-Up for Female (Below 35 Years)

Whole Body Check-Up for Female (Below 35 Years)


Consultation with a AMZ Family Doctor


  1. CBC & ESR
  2. Fasting Blood Sugar
  3. 2 Hours Post Prandial Blood Sugar
  4. HbA1c
  5. Liver Function Test
  6. Fasting Lipid Profile
  7. S. Bilirubin (Direct- indirect)
  8. S. Total Protein
  9. S. Albumin
  10. S. Globulin
  11. S. Calcium
  12. S. Creatinine
  13. Pap Smear/Vault Smear
  14. S. TSH
  15. S. FT4
  16. S. Electrolytes
  17. S. Uric Acid
  18. Blood Grouping & Rh Typing
  19. Urine R/E
  20. Stool R/E
  21. X-Ray Chest P/A View
  22. USG of Whole Abdomen
  23. USG Breast
  24. ECG
  25. ECHO 2D


For booking this packages call us at this number: 10699